
Korean BBQ | It's a "fire+meat" Tuesday at Shinsei

Korean BBQ | It's a "fire+meat" Tuesday at Shinsei

Tuesday 5-10p (Limited Quantities)  | "fire+meat", or Korean barbecue refers to the Korean method of marinating and then roastingpork or other types of meat.  If you haven't experienced Shinsei Korean BBQ, you haven't lived. Come join us for dinner on Tuesdays for bold flavor journey to Korea. Remember only on Tuesdays and prepared in "limited quantities"! Call to reserve for dine-in or take-out.

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A Guide To Banchan - Delicious Side Dishes Served with Korean BBQ

A Guide To Banchan - Delicious Side Dishes Served with Korean BBQ

We thought sharing a little about the traditional side dishes called "banchan" that are served with Korean BBQ would enhance Tuesdays at Shinsei, when deliciousness is prepared in limited quantities each week.

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Best. Korean BBQ. Ever. Tuesday @ Shinsei!

Best. Korean BBQ. Ever.  Tuesday @ Shinsei!

Shinsie Tuesdays make for happy Carnivores! Korean BBQ deliciousness prepared in limited quantities once a week. When it comes to eating meat, Koreans don’t really do meals without it. And it’s not a meal with numerous accompanying side dishes that let you build your own palate pleasing flavor combinations.

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Tuesday: Korean BBQ + wine demystified

Tuesday: Korean BBQ + wine demystified

Korean BBQ it’s “fire+meat” Tuesday at Shinsei | Korean food innately allows you to create your own personalized flavor combinations. You can include more lettuce, less bean sprouts and just a smidge of chili paste alongside your barbecue, and pair your wine accordingly.  Some say, “You can’t really pair Korean food with wine.” We BEG to differ!  Suggestions abound.

Let’s start with the matching of a robust California Zinfandel or rich Malbec which can well support the delicious umami and luxurious fatty flavors of the Korean BBQ.

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